Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Back Taxes

A co-worker of mine, a resident of the City of Pittsburgh, has just discovered that The Corporation has not been withholding his city taxes. Suddenly he has a $500 bill for back taxes.

The City of Pittsburgh has what's called the "occupation tax" for people who do not live in the city (like myself). My co-worker's experience with his taxes lead me to check my pay stubs, only to discover that my occupation tax hasn't been paid either.

In the past, the occupation tax would be taken out of your first paycheck of the year. It was $10 annually but with the city operating under the Act 47 oversight board and in debt up to it's eyeballs, they have upped the tax to $50-something.

Not only was the $50-odd dollars taken out of my first paycheck of this year but a more in-depth search of my pay receipts shows that The Corporation has never paid that tax. So, I could get nailed for back taxes and interest going back 5 years. And not only me but everyone else who works at the Help Desk.

Hmmmm, DynaVox looks like it's hiring.

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